Time left to sponsor:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

We need your help!

Since this is a charity event, all proceeds benefit the North Tonawanda Police Athletic League. More information regarding this charitable cause, please go to http://www.kanjamleague.com/klassic/2019#charity

In order to run a successful event, there are costs involved. This includes rental fees, registration processing fees, and prizes. With your help, we will be able to offset these costs and ultimately raise more money for this cause.

With your $50 sponsorship, we will post your company logo or image on the Sponsors section of the official tournament page for the 2019 KanJam Klassic. The logo/image will also be linked to your company's website. Please upload an image no greater than 10 MB. For other sponsorship ideas (such as donating gift cards/items for prizes), please email us at [email protected].

Your contact Info


Terms & Agreements

Once the form is submitted and payment is made, it will be used towards raising money for this cause. We will not be able to issue any refunds. You will receive an email confirmation once we have added your logo to the tournament page (usually within 24-48 hours). Thank you for your support!

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System